Sun’s out while we write with Shine Retreats in Italy

Constance Allfrey writes :

I took this photo on the first day of a Writing and Pilates Retreat with Shine Retreats on the Tuscan border of Umbria. The sun was out, and though I swerved the wine at lunch, later I spied a carafe of golden white while sitting outside with my laptop. I poured myself this glass and enjoyed the view, and later still found myself lying flat on the warm springy grass with an Umbrian breeze whippeting over and around me, arms out, earthing. Retreats are all about balance, I thought to myself. 

Constance Allfrey

West London based psychotherapist, writer, avid yoga practitioner and sometime yoga teacher. Former features writer at the Evening Standard, and has reviewed for Tatler, Condé Nast Traveller, Psychologies. Loves living on a canal, swimming in seas, reading, writing poetry and cooking.


Creating ceramics by the sea with Live Life Retreats in Ireland